Posledný štvrťrok som sama na sebe otestovala, ako je zbytočné si
čokoľvek dopredu plánovať a podriaďovať svoje nálady nezmyselným “to do”
listom. Možno to nazývať všelijak (osud neoklameš, karmu neoblbneš), no
v zásade – čo sa má stať, stane sa (s tvojím pričinením či bez)…
During past quarter I tested on myself how useless is to plan anything in advance and adjust my mood according to pointless "to do" lists. We could call it anyhow (don’t cheat the destiny, can't deceive karma), but in principle – what should happen, will happen (with your involvement or not)...
Sú to presne tri mesiace, čo som vítala jar na dlhodielskom kopci. Dosah klimatických zmien spôsobuje to, že jarí a jesení ubúda a rozoznávame už len zimu a leto. A to leto prišlo náhle, a ja chcem stihnúť všetko, na čo som posledné týždne nemala čas ani pomyslieť.
Mám preukaz do kina Lumiere a nebola som tam už tri mesiace. Mám nové plavky, no nemám ich kedy otestovať. Knihy a DVD sa kopia pri posteli a ja už po nociach vôbec nedokážem niečo čítať či pozerať. Keď donekonečna pozeraš v strižni vlastný film, nemáš chuť pozerať iné snímky. Ani narodky a mesiac kraľovania blížencov som si neužila. Lebo písačky, nakrúcačky, strihačky a ďalšie písačky.
Zaslúžim si prázdniny po ďalšom ukončenom semestri na VŠMU. A budem si ich užívať – aspoň posledný júnový víkend, tie dva krátke slnečné dni. A začínam zostra. O pár hodín budem mať naživo na dosah ruky Gonja sufiho, ktorý kraľuje môjmu ipodu už vyše roka. Keďže som musela oželieť znovuoživený festival Wilsonic, azda toto bude adekvátnou náplasťou. Teším sa na tohto dredatého bôžika ako malá školáčka. Škoda, že aj Flying lotus nezavíta do môjho rodného mesta v týchto dňoch. Alebo žeby?
Three months ago I welcomed the spring on the hill of Dlhe diely district. Because of the impact of climate changes, the spring and autumn wanes and we distinguish only between winter and summer. And this summer has come suddenly, and I want to catch all the past weeks I have not had time to even think of.
I have cinema-pass for the Lumiere cinema and I was not there for three months. I have a new swimming suit, but I haven’t tried it yet. Books and DVDs are piling up next to my bed and during the nights I can not even read or watch something. When you are watching never-ending editing process of your own film, you will not watch any other movie. I didn’t enjoy my birthday and the power of Gemini month, Because of all these writings, shooting, editing and again writings.
I guess, I deserve a vacation after the finishing of another semester at Academy of performing arts. And I am going to enjoy it – at least this weekend, the two short sunny days. Let’s start sharply! In few hours I'll have the opportunity to watch the live performance of Gonjasufi, who reigns my iPod for over a year. Since I had to skip revived Wilsonic festival, perhaps this could be an adequate fix. I am looking forward to this the concert of this voodoo-man as s little schoolgirl. Too bad the Flying Lotus won‘t join him in my hometown these days. Or will he?
I have cinema-pass for the Lumiere cinema and I was not there for three months. I have a new swimming suit, but I haven’t tried it yet. Books and DVDs are piling up next to my bed and during the nights I can not even read or watch something. When you are watching never-ending editing process of your own film, you will not watch any other movie. I didn’t enjoy my birthday and the power of Gemini month, Because of all these writings, shooting, editing and again writings.
I guess, I deserve a vacation after the finishing of another semester at Academy of performing arts. And I am going to enjoy it – at least this weekend, the two short sunny days. Let’s start sharply! In few hours I'll have the opportunity to watch the live performance of Gonjasufi, who reigns my iPod for over a year. Since I had to skip revived Wilsonic festival, perhaps this could be an adequate fix. I am looking forward to this the concert of this voodoo-man as s little schoolgirl. Too bad the Flying Lotus won‘t join him in my hometown these days. Or will he?
Ako vravím: nič neplánovať, nehádzať rukou do vzduchu bez nádeje. A najmä nikdy nehovoriť nikdy. Ani v mode a odievaní nie. Moja najneobľúbenejšie farby vždy boli sivá, fialová a hnedá. No a pozrite sa na tieto fotografie, ktoré sme v starom meste nafotili v čase, keď som nebola schopná ani jeden relaxačný módny blog napísať. Odrazu som mala pocit, že to s fialovou musím skúsiť. A vyšlo to. Aj keď je to viac dámičkovské a seriózne, ako som chcela.
Možno to robí ten materiál šatičiek, alebo topane na platforme, alebo môj powerbook pod pazuchou. Nabudúce idem v rámci outfit do tej hnedej farby. Nebojím sa, skúšam. A možno už zajtra. Veď sa predsa opäť ide na Dobrý trh. Potom prášime tradičný rituál spred roka: obedík vo Verne so sestrami a poobedňajšie kúpanie v Ivanke pri Dunaji. Plus netreba zabudnúť na večerné schladenie v kine – lebo 36 stupňov je na betónovú metropolu príliš vela. A inak sa nestažujem. Veď leto je predo dvermi – hoci ma zastihlo nepripravenú a zaútočilo prirýchlo.
As I say: rather not to plan something, not to expose hands in the air without hope. And especially never say never. Even in fashion and clothing. My unpopular colors have always been gray, purple and brown. But let’s have a look at these photos, we shot in the old town when I was unable to relax or write a fashion blog. Suddenly, I had the feeling to try this violet-grey combination. And it worked. Although this is more serious and too womanish than I wanted.
Maybe it because of the dress material or shoes’ platform, or my old trusty powerbook under my arm. Next time I will go for the outfit with brown color. I'm not afraid to try it. So maybe tomorrow: I will wear this color at Dobry trh (good market) event. After that I would like to repeat the traditional ritual from last year: lunch at Verne with my sisters and the afternoon swimming in the lake in the village Ivanka pri Dunaji. Plus we can’t forget to cool the evening at the cinema – because 36 degrees is too much for the concrete metropolis. There is no time for complain. After all, summer is at the door – although it caught me unprepared and attacked too early.
Maybe it because of the dress material or shoes’ platform, or my old trusty powerbook under my arm. Next time I will go for the outfit with brown color. I'm not afraid to try it. So maybe tomorrow: I will wear this color at Dobry trh (good market) event. After that I would like to repeat the traditional ritual from last year: lunch at Verne with my sisters and the afternoon swimming in the lake in the village Ivanka pri Dunaji. Plus we can’t forget to cool the evening at the cinema – because 36 degrees is too much for the concrete metropolis. There is no time for complain. After all, summer is at the door – although it caught me unprepared and attacked too early.
Foto / Photo by: Palo Markovic