doma v teplúčku, a spomínam na pobyt v Istanbule – multikultúrnej
metropole, plnej dobrosrdečných ľudí, svojských rybárov, vyjednávajúcich
predavačov, náboženských vplyvov, farebných látok, prenikavých vôní,
historických budov a lákavých suvenírov. Popíjam typický turecký čaj
s jablkovou príchuťou, zarobený z krikľavo zeleného prášku v sáčku,
ktorý sme kúpili na Spice Bazaare za pár tureckých lír. Na um mi zíde,
ako nás tam prekvapilo sneženie, ako sa menil náš program a meškali
lietadlá. To všetko pre zmenu počasia – pre zimu v zime.
Sitting in my cosy house I try to refresh my memories on our journey to Istanbul – multicultural city, full of warmhearted people, unique fishermen, bargaining sellers, religious influences, colorful fabrics, intensive aromas, historical buildings and teasing souvenirs. I’m drinking traditional turkish tea with apple flavour – prepared from glaring powder in bag – that we bought for few turkish liras in Spice market. I remember how snowing surprised us – how our program had to be changed and our airplanes had delays. Just because of weather change – because of cold in cold season.
Sitting in my cosy house I try to refresh my memories on our journey to Istanbul – multicultural city, full of warmhearted people, unique fishermen, bargaining sellers, religious influences, colorful fabrics, intensive aromas, historical buildings and teasing souvenirs. I’m drinking traditional turkish tea with apple flavour – prepared from glaring powder in bag – that we bought for few turkish liras in Spice market. I remember how snowing surprised us – how our program had to be changed and our airplanes had delays. Just because of weather change – because of cold in cold season.
Tak si to teda zhrňme, ako je to u nás s tým počasím! V novinách často narážam na slovné spojenie: arktická zima. Keďže to nie je jednotýždňová záležitosť – kolegovia a kolegyne z novinárskej komunity sa snažia prísť na nové synonymá, ako tú zimicu vonku pomenovať. Na španielčine pred týždňom nás lektorka učila, ako sa povie: sibírska zima. Vo Francúzsku politička odkázala (ale skôr to bola nešťastná formulácia posolstva) ľuďom, žijúcim na ulici, že majú ostať doma/nemajú vychádzať von. Kamarátka kupuje v IKEA lacné deky, aby zvieratká v bratislavskom útulku nepomrzli. V meste pod Tatrami, kde som prežila detstvo, mrazy vyrúbali storočný rekord v teplote pod nulou. V takej Moskve, kde desiatky stupňov pod nulou prežijú v riadnom kožuchu každoročne, nemrnčia. Keď sa však prejdete po nákupnom stredisku v Bratislave, vo výkladoch visia oznamy: výpredaj zimnej obuvi, na pultoch už sú jarné tenisky. Všetko je teda zjavne tak, ako má byť.
So let’s summarize – what’s the problem with the weather these days?! Very often I use to find phrase in newspaper: arctic winter. And because this is not the matter of one week – my colleagues, journalists from media community try to invent new verbal descriptions – proper synonym of this coldness outside. On spanish course our lector taught us last week how to translate from slovak to spanish: siberian winter. In France one politician sent message to people, who live on the streets, that they are supposed to stay at home/do not leave their houses (but I hope, it was only unhappy formulation of sentence). My friend went to IKEA shop to buy cheap blankets to protect animals in cattery from that coldness. In my town of childhood under the High Tatras frosts overreached the hundred-years’ record in freezing temperatures. But in Moscow (where people use to live this kind of strong winter every year) nobody complains. When you enter the shopping store in Bratislava, you will see the advertisments in shop-windows: sale (for winter collection). Shop counters are full of spring products – fabric trainers for instance. So it seems, that everything is OK.
V jarných teniskách von tak skoro nevybehnem, tak ďaleko moja otužilosť nesiaha. Snažím sa obliekať v tomto období strategicky aj navrstvene. Niekedy ma stretnete aj s troma šatkami na krku, alebo dvoma šatami na sebe. Ak mi je počas prechádzky po meste (alebo skôr počas protestov, ktorých bolo za posledný mesiac v Bratislave hneď niekoľko) stále zima – lokalizujem v iPhone najbližší sekáč a ide sa na „núdzový nákup“. Poznám ľudí, ktorí do sekáčov nechodia nakupovať, ale sa len inšpirovať – občas tam objavíte aj tradičné kroje či vojenské uniformy z celého sveta. Moja mamina zasa často navštevuje sekáče kvôli gombíkom. Nie, že by trpela „tverpovskou diagnózou“ ako v českom filme Knoflikáři. Občas ale naozaj kabát či šaty kúpi len preto, aby odtiaľ mohla unikátne gombíky odstrihnúť a prešiť si ich na iný odev. Popravde, občas sú nové gombíky v galantérii drahšie, ako celý kabát v second hande.
I am not sure when I will be able to go out in trainers. My toughness is not that strong. I try to put on as many layers as possible in this season. Easy strategy: sometimes you can meet me with three scarfs on my neck or two dresses. When I still feel cold during my walk (or during the protests, which happened quite often in our city last weeks) – I will locate the closest second hand with my iPhone and let’s go for „emergency shopping“. I know people who don’t buy anything in second hands – they have been trying to absorb the inspiration. Sometimes you can find there traditional folk costumes or military uniforms from all over the world. My mother often use to visit second hands only because of buttons. She is not suffering from „tverpian diagnosis“ like in czech movie Buttoners, not at all. But sometimes she is able to buy certain coat or dress only because of unique buttons. Then she can cut them and sew on another piece of clothing. To be honest, in some cases new buttons are more expensive in haberdashery than a whole coat in second hand.
Už viac, ako dve sezóny, kraľuje môjmu šatníku horčicová žltá farba. Pridala sa k nej túto zimu aj parížska modrá. Na zlatú farbu asi tak skoro neprivyknem, ale nikdy netreba hovoriť: nikdy. Kedysi som aj hnedej či sivej hovorila: nie – v minulosti som ich považovala za kancelársky strohé a fádne. Dnes si ich viem predstaviť aj v rámci mojich outfitov. Keď sa všetko ozvláštni – napríklad neobyčajnou brošňou od šikovnej dvojice (predávajúcej doplnky na pod názvom: „malé a“. Tento modrý kabát s dvojradovým zapínaním mi mamina kúpila (ako inak) v second hande za jedno euro. Nie celkom mi sadol, takže som ho mala na sebe len raz. Neskôr mi naznačila, že ak ho chcem vyhodiť, môžem, ale nech prv odstrihnem gombíky. Vybrúsené modré kryštáliky, olemované zlatou farbou sa jej veľmi páčia. „Gombíkovská úchylka“ môže byť nákazlivá, no hlavne podporuje kreativitu a schopnosť kombinovať, improvizovať. Asi ten kabát začnem v týchto mesiacoch nosiť. Arktická zima ponúka priestor na módnu prehliadku...
For more than two seasons the queen of colours in my wardrobe is mustard yellow color. This winter I added also parisian blue into it. But it will be harder to get to used golden color for instance. But never say never! In past it was the same with grey and brown colors – I labeled them as rigorous secretarial and tiresome colors. But nowadays I can imagine them as a part of my outfits. When you make it special – with extraordinary brooch from skillfull couple (selling the products on hand-made webstore under the name of: „small a“. My mother bought me this blue coat with double-breased buttoning (of course) in second hand for one euro. It didn’t fit me that much, so I put on only once. Later she told me that I am allowed to throw it away – but without these buttons (I was supposed to cut them off first)! She liked very much the refined blue crystals laced by golden color. „Button-deviancy“ can be contagious, but first of all it supports your creativity and ability to improvise or combine materials. Maybe I will think about wearing that coat more often. Arctic winter offers the space for fashion show...
Foto / Photo: Palo Markovič
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