väčšine krajín Afriky (a teda aj v Keni, kde som tento rok pracovala ako terénna rozvojová pracovníčka)
nemožno hovoriť o rodovej rovnosti, ukážkovej rovnoprávnosti mužov a žien.
Svetové mimovládne organizácie (naozaj je ich v Keni dosť) volajú neustále po odstraňovaní
násilia, páchaného na ženách, a po posilňovaní postavenia žien v spoločnosti
– podporujú ženy v mikropodnikaní (s textíliami, hand-made produktami
či zeleninou), vo farmárčení či včelárstve. No v týchto patriarchálnych
systémoch, naviac ovplyvňovaných kmeňovou či náboženskou (v pobrežnej oblasti najmä
moslimskou) hierarchiou to nie je veru jednoduché.
a ženy získavajú podstatne menej vzdelania ako chlapci, muži. Vedeli ste, že bez
vzdelania v súčasnosti v rámci Kene ostáva 19 % žien a 13 % mužov? Že chudobných žien je dvakrát
viac ako chudobných mužov? Aj na to som sa snažila upozorniť ľudí v Keni (ale
i na Slovensku cez články a blogy na-diaľku) počas svojej práce v regióne
je Medzinárodný deň ľudských práv – posledný deň oficiálneho nosenia oranžovej
farby na znak boja proti násiliu, páchanému na ženách. Dneškom sa ale nič nekončí
(hoci sa uzatvára 16-dňová kampaň aktivizmu UN Women). Oranžovou farbou môžete
na neprávosti vo svojom okolí upozorňovať každý deň. No najmä: svojím konaním a prácou
s lokálnymi komunitami môžete svet meniť k lepšiemu. Aspoň sa o to
most African countries (also in Kenya, where I worked this year as development field worker)
we cannot talk about gender equality. Worldwide
NGOs (there are so many in Kenya) are constantly calling upon ending violence against women, and empowering women in society. There is a possibility - how to support
women in small enterprises (with textiles, retail or hand-made products), in farming or beekeeping. But
in these patriarchal systems, moreover influenced by tribal and
religious rules (in the coastal region especially by Muslim hierarchy), it is
not simple at all.
Girls and women receive significantly less education than boys and men. Did you know that without education in Kenya there is currently: 19 % of women and 13 % of men? Did you know that poor women are twice more than the poor men there? I tried to warn people in Kenya and raise awareness there (as well as in Slovakia through articles and blogs on distance) about these topics while working in the Kwale region.
Today is International Human Rights Day - the last day of the official wearing orange - a visible sign of combating and ending violence against women and girls. But it doesn't mean the end (although the official campaign of 16-days' activism of UN Women finished). By wearing orange color you can raise awareness in your neighborhood on daily basis. But especially by your acting and thanks to your work with local communities you can make visible change towards better world. At least try it!
Girls and women receive significantly less education than boys and men. Did you know that without education in Kenya there is currently: 19 % of women and 13 % of men? Did you know that poor women are twice more than the poor men there? I tried to warn people in Kenya and raise awareness there (as well as in Slovakia through articles and blogs on distance) about these topics while working in the Kwale region.
Today is International Human Rights Day - the last day of the official wearing orange - a visible sign of combating and ending violence against women and girls. But it doesn't mean the end (although the official campaign of 16-days' activism of UN Women finished). By wearing orange color you can raise awareness in your neighborhood on daily basis. But especially by your acting and thanks to your work with local communities you can make visible change towards better world. At least try it!
Text / Written by: Boba Baluchova (@bobinkha), Foto / Photo: Palo Markovic (@palomarkovic)
#16days #orangeurworld #iwearorange
#16days #orangeurworld #iwearorange
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