BalBo deBra

BalBo deBra

sobota 14. decembra 2013

God's issue - what an Inspire(ation

Nové "Božíí číslo" magazínu Inspire je na svete (a moje tri novinárske prejavy: Balbo street pocitovka; repka zo Zanzibaru a rozhovor s Adri Totikovou o mladom Slovenskom divadle v ňom)! Dnes ho v KC Dunaj vypustíme do sveta. Už aj bratiskovské zvery, ktoré denne stretávam po ceste do nášho Plutošopu a charitatívneho blšieho trhu OZ P(l)uto na Panskej 13 sa chystajú na žúr. Budete tam tiež?

Brand new "God's issue" of Inspire magazine is ready for worldwide attention (and my three articles: Balbo street essay; Zanzibar reportage and the interview with Adri Totikova about fresh Slovak theatre arts in it)! Today there will be release party in KC Dunaj club. All animals from Bratislava's walls (that I meet along the way to our vintage shop on social enterprise basis: Plutoshop and charity flea market of Pl(u)to NGO at Panska street no. 13) are looking forward to go to that party tonight. Will you be there, too?

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