Za posledný mesiac som sa viackrát zámerne zmienila o tom, kto zhotovil moje oblečenie: #whomademyclothes. A keďže mám doma šperky od niekoľkých súčasných slovenských šperkárok, chcela som prísť aj s témou: kto zhotovil môj šperk / #whomademyjewelry. Nakoniec to všetko vypálilo inak a nafotili sme v uliciach Aucklandu reálne nosenie šperkov textilných – od maďarskej značky 'CirrHopp recycle'. Tá sa zameriava na „slow dizajn“ a „upcykláciu“, a to nielen v apríli – mesiaci Módnej revolúcie.
In the last month, I have written several articles on a topic: #whomademyclothes. Since I have got some jewelry pieces from several Slovak contemporary jewelers I also wanted to come up with a theme: #whomademyjewelry. Finally, everything went differently and we took some shots of textile jewelry in the streets of Auckland – made by Hungarian brand 'CirrHopp recycle'. Its owner focuses on "slow design" and "upcycling" (not only in April – the month dedicated to Fashion Revolution).
In the last month, I have written several articles on a topic: #whomademyclothes. Since I have got some jewelry pieces from several Slovak contemporary jewelers I also wanted to come up with a theme: #whomademyjewelry. Finally, everything went differently and we took some shots of textile jewelry in the streets of Auckland – made by Hungarian brand 'CirrHopp recycle'. Its owner focuses on "slow design" and "upcycling" (not only in April – the month dedicated to Fashion Revolution).
Medzi pravidlá udržateľnej a pomalej módy (ako aj dizajnu) patrí: Nakupujte len to, čo potrebujete; Vyberte si kvalitný (hoci i výraznejší) kúsok, ktorý môžete kombinovať s ostatnými časťami oblečenia; Podporte značku, ktorá je lokálna a vie zdokumentovať – kde sa kupujú materiály pre výrobu a kto zhotovuje finálne produkty. Veľa zaujímavých domácich značiek môžete objaviť na bratislavských Urban marketoch. Tam chodím pravidelne, no vždy s vopred vyčlenenou hotovosťou a zásadne bez platobnej karty. Ide o preventívnu stratégiu, ako sa krotiť a nenakúpiť hneď všetko, čo človeku od domácich predajcov a predajkýň padne do oka.
Na Visegrad marketoch v Starej tržnici bolo vždy riziko objavenia zaujímavých odevov či módnych doplnkov ešte o niečo vyššie. Na jednom mieste sa totiž objavili okrem slovenských a českých tvorivých ľudí aj dizajnéri a dizajnérky z Poľska a najmä Maďarska. Výborná šanca na porovnanie výrobných trendov aj marketingových stratégií a nadviazanie spoluprác. Pred pár rokmi som tam objavila značku CirrHopp recycle, ktorá sa špecializuje na výrobu upcyklovaných šperkov a ktorá mi prirástla k srdcu. Sídli neďaleko, u našich južných susedov. Jeden z jej výrobkov môžete stále vyhrať v súťaži na #balbodebra fanpage.
The rules of sustainable and slow fashion (as well as slow design) include: Buy just what you need; Choose a piece of good quality that you can combine with other parts of your clothing; Support local designer who is about where textile materials come from and who makes the final products. Many interesting local brands can be found at Urban markets in Bratislava. I go there regularly, but always with a certain amount of cash only (without my credit card). This is a preventative strategy to save money and not to buy right now everything that all these interesting vendors offer there.
The risk of finding some interesting pieces of clothing or fashion accessories was even higher at Visegrad markets. Under the same roof there are designers and from Poland and Hungary in addition to Slovak and Czech creative people. It’s an excellent chance to compare production trends, marketing strategies and to establish co-operation. Few years ago I discovered ‘CirrHopp recycle’ brand there that focuses on making upcycled jewelery. I fell in love with it immediately. The brand is located in Hungary, not very far away from Bratislava. You can win one of CirrHopp products on my #balbodebra fanpage now.
Na Visegrad marketoch v Starej tržnici bolo vždy riziko objavenia zaujímavých odevov či módnych doplnkov ešte o niečo vyššie. Na jednom mieste sa totiž objavili okrem slovenských a českých tvorivých ľudí aj dizajnéri a dizajnérky z Poľska a najmä Maďarska. Výborná šanca na porovnanie výrobných trendov aj marketingových stratégií a nadviazanie spoluprác. Pred pár rokmi som tam objavila značku CirrHopp recycle, ktorá sa špecializuje na výrobu upcyklovaných šperkov a ktorá mi prirástla k srdcu. Sídli neďaleko, u našich južných susedov. Jeden z jej výrobkov môžete stále vyhrať v súťaži na #balbodebra fanpage.
The rules of sustainable and slow fashion (as well as slow design) include: Buy just what you need; Choose a piece of good quality that you can combine with other parts of your clothing; Support local designer who is about where textile materials come from and who makes the final products. Many interesting local brands can be found at Urban markets in Bratislava. I go there regularly, but always with a certain amount of cash only (without my credit card). This is a preventative strategy to save money and not to buy right now everything that all these interesting vendors offer there.
The risk of finding some interesting pieces of clothing or fashion accessories was even higher at Visegrad markets. Under the same roof there are designers and from Poland and Hungary in addition to Slovak and Czech creative people. It’s an excellent chance to compare production trends, marketing strategies and to establish co-operation. Few years ago I discovered ‘CirrHopp recycle’ brand there that focuses on making upcycled jewelery. I fell in love with it immediately. The brand is located in Hungary, not very far away from Bratislava. You can win one of CirrHopp products on my #balbodebra fanpage now.
Práve pre metódu kreatívneho znovu-použitia materiálov, ako sú PET fľaše a nosené tričká, som obdivovala CirrHopp. Z natavených plastov totiž vznikali výrazné náušnice Plabodot a z nastrihaných farebných šnúr zasa textilné náhrdelníky POP. Jednoduchý nápad, skvelé prevedenie. Férovosť lokálneho dizajnu a šetrenie životného prostredia zaručené. Modro-ružovú a najnovšie aj sivo-zelenú kombináciu nosievam pravidelne na aucklandské kultúrne podujatia – zväčša k jednofarebným outfitom (napríklad k čiernemu overalu), aby štruktúra a textúra šperkov vynikla.
Značka 'CirrHopp recycle' sa snaží zaujať širokú verejnosť aj svojimi upcyklačnými workshopmi, kde si ľudia nielen urobia radosť ručne urobeným výrobkom, ale uvedomia si hodnotu a ľudský element za každým jedným kusom odevu či módneho doplnku, ktorý nosia (alebo si ho často len kúpia vo “fast fashion” reťazci a ani nenosia). Podmienky pracovníčok v odevných továrňach kdesi v Ázii sa ani v náznaku nepodobajú tým z európskych upcyklačných workshopov.
Práve preto sú kampane Fashion revolution dôležité, ako aj pátranie po tom, kto zhotovil ten váš šperk či šaty. Ja som svoju love)story našla. Ak ste aj vy so získanými odpoveďami spokojné, gratulujem. Ak odpoveď nepoznáte, pokračujte v hľadaní – má to zmysel. Väčší, než by sa na prvý pohľad zdalo…
I admire CirrHopp for the method of creative re-use of materials such as PET bottles and worn T-shirts. Plabodot distinctive earrings are made out of fused plastics and colorful POP necklaces are made out of cut fabric strips. Simple idea, great design. The fairness of local design and environmental protection are guaranteed. The blue-pink and the latest gray-green combination I wear regularly at Auckland cultural events – mostly in combination with one-color outfit (for example black overall, jumpsuit) to make the structure and texture of the jewelry more visible.
'CirrHopp recycle' brand is also invites general public to its up-cycling workshops. People enjoy their hand-made production there and they also realize the value, as well as human element behind every single piece of clothing or fashion accessory they wear (or often they just buy it at “Fast fashion” chain store without wearing it). Unfortunately, the conditions of garment workers in clothing factories across Asia do not copy an atmosphere of these European up-cycling workshops.
This is why Fashion Revolution campaigns, as well as the search for #whomadeyourjewelry or #whomadeyourclothes answers are important. I found my love)story. If you are satisfied with your answers – congratulations! If you do not know an answer yet – continue in searching. It makes a sense. Greater than you would think...
Značka 'CirrHopp recycle' sa snaží zaujať širokú verejnosť aj svojimi upcyklačnými workshopmi, kde si ľudia nielen urobia radosť ručne urobeným výrobkom, ale uvedomia si hodnotu a ľudský element za každým jedným kusom odevu či módneho doplnku, ktorý nosia (alebo si ho často len kúpia vo “fast fashion” reťazci a ani nenosia). Podmienky pracovníčok v odevných továrňach kdesi v Ázii sa ani v náznaku nepodobajú tým z európskych upcyklačných workshopov.
Práve preto sú kampane Fashion revolution dôležité, ako aj pátranie po tom, kto zhotovil ten váš šperk či šaty. Ja som svoju love)story našla. Ak ste aj vy so získanými odpoveďami spokojné, gratulujem. Ak odpoveď nepoznáte, pokračujte v hľadaní – má to zmysel. Väčší, než by sa na prvý pohľad zdalo…
I admire CirrHopp for the method of creative re-use of materials such as PET bottles and worn T-shirts. Plabodot distinctive earrings are made out of fused plastics and colorful POP necklaces are made out of cut fabric strips. Simple idea, great design. The fairness of local design and environmental protection are guaranteed. The blue-pink and the latest gray-green combination I wear regularly at Auckland cultural events – mostly in combination with one-color outfit (for example black overall, jumpsuit) to make the structure and texture of the jewelry more visible.
'CirrHopp recycle' brand is also invites general public to its up-cycling workshops. People enjoy their hand-made production there and they also realize the value, as well as human element behind every single piece of clothing or fashion accessory they wear (or often they just buy it at “Fast fashion” chain store without wearing it). Unfortunately, the conditions of garment workers in clothing factories across Asia do not copy an atmosphere of these European up-cycling workshops.
This is why Fashion Revolution campaigns, as well as the search for #whomadeyourjewelry or #whomadeyourclothes answers are important. I found my love)story. If you are satisfied with your answers – congratulations! If you do not know an answer yet – continue in searching. It makes a sense. Greater than you would think...
Text / Written by: Boba Markovič Baluchová, Foto / Photo: Palo Markovič
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