Počas nášho pobytu v Aucklande sa nám často stáva, že
lokálni ľudia nemajú šajn o firme Serato (ktorá prispela k nášmu odchodu
zo Slovenska). Pritom je to spoločnosť čisto novozélandská, zamestnáva tu skoro
dvesto ľudí. Venuje sa vývojárstvu audio softvéru pre profesionálnych DJ-ov a hudobníkov.
Na Slovensku ju väčšina DJ-ov a hudobných producentov dôverne pozná.
When we try to tell local people the reason of our arrival to Auckland they have no clue of an existence of Serato company. It is a bit strange because it is New Zealand company that employs nearly two hundred people here. It is dedicated to development of an audio software for professional DJs and musicians. In my home country: Slovakia most of DJs and music producers are familiar with Serato’s production.
When we try to tell local people the reason of our arrival to Auckland they have no clue of an existence of Serato company. It is a bit strange because it is New Zealand company that employs nearly two hundred people here. It is dedicated to development of an audio software for professional DJs and musicians. In my home country: Slovakia most of DJs and music producers are familiar with Serato’s production.
Firma Serato má na konte veľa produktov, ktorým ale ako neprogramátorka nerozumiem.
Zato o appke Pyro viem dlho rozprávať, aj ju používam na dennej báze.
Dúfam, že čoskoro sa bez nej nezaobíde žiadna domáca žúrka. Veď vďaka nej nik
z hostiteľov nemusí stáť celé hodiny za gramcami, CD-prehrávačmi či
počítačom. Táto bezplatná mobilná aplikácia to elegantne vyrieši za nich, preto jej
rada a nezištne robím promo.
There are several interesting
products in the portfolio of Serato company I am aware of. Unfortunatelly, as a
non-programmer I do not understand their functioning principle. But I can talk
about Pyro app because it’s very user friendly and I use it on a daily basis. I
hope that one day every single home-based party will be using it. Thanks to this
app none of the hosts has to stand behind the decs, CD player or computer and
take care of the background music for dancing, talking, chilling. This free
mobile app can offer you an elegant solution that I’d like to share with you.
Ako spustiť „hudobný ohník“ v mobile sa naučíte za desať minút. Táto aplikácia však nie je zameraná na DJov a nemá im konkurovať. Umožní vám plynule bez otrasných prechodov mixovať skladby z lokálne
uloženého playlistu či z playlistov v rámci Spotify aplikácie. Ak tam
nemáte dosť navyberanej muziky, tak si len vyberiete v appke predvolené
odporúčanie – konkrétny žáner, na ktorý máte chuť, napríklad: Mellow
electronika. Pyro sám podľa svojho algorytmu a vášho vkusu vyberá a hladko
mixuje kúsky, ktoré by sa vám mohli páčiť. Ak vás song v polovici omrzí,
alebo náhle dostanete chuť na inú skladbu, stlačíte jednoducho ikonku napravo:
Play s plameňmi. Tá práve idúci track prispôsobí aktuálnemu rytmu
a premixuje do nasledujúceho, pričom poslucháčov nič nevyruší. Príjemná
It takes less than
ten minutes to learn how to start a “music fire" and become Pyro-person.
DJs are not part of the app’s target group therefore there will be no
competition. Pyro allows you to mix locally stored songs or tracks
from Spotify playlist in a smooth way. If there is not enough music on your
disc – just select a specific genre e.g. Mellow electronica. Pyro will select
particular songs you might enjoy – according to its algorithm and your taste.
If you get tired of certain song and suddenly you think about another track – simply
press the icon Play. The currently played track will be faded out and premixed
to the next without disturbing an audience.
Pyro-appka má dobrý dizajn ako ostatné produkty Serato. Preto nikoho
neprekvapí, že zamestnanci firmy (ako aj ich partneri a partnerky) nosia
tričká, mikiny či šiltovky s logom Serato aj mimo pracoviska. Kedy sa vám
stalo, že ste si dobrovoľne obliekli firemné tričko, či tričko, ktoré vám
zaslala banka, poisťovňa, telekomunikačný operátor či nejaká EU inštitúcia
a išli v ňom na prechádzku (nie umývať auto či rýľovať záhradu)?
Pyro-App is well designed, as well as the other Serato products. Therefore there is no surprise that the company employees (and their wives, husbands, partners) proudly wear t-shirts, jumpers and baseball caps with the logo of Serato outside the workplace. Have you ever worn a shirt of your company or a shirt that was sent to you via PR agency of your bank, insurance company, telecom operator or EU institution on voluntary basis? Have you been going out in it (or you just wash your car or spade your garden in it)?
Pyro-App is well designed, as well as the other Serato products. Therefore there is no surprise that the company employees (and their wives, husbands, partners) proudly wear t-shirts, jumpers and baseball caps with the logo of Serato outside the workplace. Have you ever worn a shirt of your company or a shirt that was sent to you via PR agency of your bank, insurance company, telecom operator or EU institution on voluntary basis? Have you been going out in it (or you just wash your car or spade your garden in it)?
Text: Boba Markovič Baluchová, Foto: Palo
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