Since 2013 Fashion Revolution movement commemorates 1138
lost lives due to the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh. During Fashion
Revolution Week we try to raise awareness about the real problems behind fast
fashion industry and stand up for fair, just and transparent working conditions
of garment workers mostly from developing countries.
are several events organized around the world that call for taking an action towards
fair fashion manufacturing and promoting, buying, as well as wearing of
sustainable clothes. On 24 April local New Zealand brand Fraser Crowe printed silk ‘Care, Ask, Know’
ribbons and created an event to distribute
these ribbons on Auckland’s most fashionable street – Ponsonby Rd. We shared the message of Fashion
Revolution movement together with these special ribbons to people who care, ask
and know about: ‘who made their clothes’.
Several fashion bloggers, fashion lovers, local designers, but also arts students or jewellery makers volunteered that day on four spots along Ponsonby Rd. Passers-by were asked to pin silk ribbons with printed info about the Fashion Revolution movement and this local event to their clothes. We talked about the issues connected to garment makers’ working conditions, non-transparent supply chain, but also environmental impacts of clothing manufacture and fast fashion consumers’ trend.
I interviewed around twenty Aucklanders (and also few tourists) if they’d like to wear a ribbon after explaining them my motivation behind this activism. Some of them were already aware of the movement and few gave me a permission to take and share photo of them. I’d like to thank Auckland’s ethical fashion brand: Fraser Crowe and Fashion Revolution global movement for the opportunity to be an active part of this local event. My daughter Tove Tui – the youngest fashion revolutionary – was present too.
I hope there will
be more and more people who CARE, ASK and KNOW the stories of their clothes. I
also hope that after sharing them with a hashtag #whoMadeMyClothes their
activism will not be done. There are still many more steps to take towards
fairer world…
Written by: Boba Markovic Baluchova, Photo: Palo Markovic
Your kid is very sweet! I remember having a small kid means wanting to give them everything you can. It must be hard nowadays to do so considering the prices and the current crisis. I just want to recommend this trading company, maybe it will be useful: They also offer nice tutorials.