Pamätám si
na môj posledný deň vo Washingtone, DC. Teda skôr na neskorú noc. Po
niekoľkohodinovej plavbe loďou po rieke Potomac sa niektorí kamaráti odobrali
na party do centra, iní šli baliť kufre, lebo odchod na letisko mali o 4ej
ráno. Ja som hľadala na youtube európsku hudbu s prvkami folklóru, ethno
či world music a púšťala ju na posúdenie svojej priateľke Samar z Beirutu.
Naša tretia blízka osôbka: Takhmina z Dushambe už snívala v posteli
o tom, ako čoskoro uvidí svojho muža a deti. To ešte vtedy nevedela, že na
celý víkend skysne pre nepriaznivé počasie v Istanbule. A vlastne aj tento
blog bude o počasí. Tak trochu.
I remember my last day
in Washington, DC. Or better said: very late
night. After several
hours of cruising the Potomac
River, some of my buddies went to
a party in the city-center,
others went to pack their suitcases (because they were supposed to be at
the airport at 4
am). I was looking on youtube for certain examples
of European music with elements of
folk, ethno and world music to play them for my friend from Beirut: great musician Samar. Our third close friend: Takhmina from
Dushambe was already in bed dreaming about her
reunion with her husband and children. At that time she couldn’t
have an idea how this will end up. She stayed the entire
weekend in Istanbul because of bad
weather. And that’s
what this blog is about. A
weather. A bit.
Sedím teda
nadránom na parapete hotela Washington Plaza, počúvam jeden z naj hlasov
na svete: Dhafera Youssefa a zdieľam posledné hodiny so Samar –
predtým, ako sa na pár mesiacov či rokov rozlúčime. Hoci som novinárka, jej
životný príbeh by som si netrúfla vypovedať. A ani predstaviť si detstvo
v Libanone – ako každú chvíľu leziem s rodinou do krytu
a bombardovanie prekrývam spevom, aby ľudia nepociťovali takú úzkosť
a beznádej... Dnes by som však do Libanonu šla. Vypočuť si, ako táto mladá
žena pracuje so skupinami detí a cez hudobné workshopy či vystúpenia sa
snažia spolu porozumieť svetu okolo. A čeliť problémom – lokálnym aj
I was sitting on the windowsill of Samar’s room
at Washington Plaza Hotel. We were listenning to one of the most beautiful
voices in the world (Dhafer
Youssef’s songs) and sharing the last few hours together – before we should leave each other for a few months
or maybe even a few years... Although I am capable journalist, I would not dare to
testify her story. And not even imagine the childhood
in Lebanon – all
these moments when a person had to run to the fallout shelter and trying to make in such
tough situation things easier by singing... Today, I would go to
Lebanon. I’d like to watch how this
young woman is working with youth groups and how through the music workshops & performances
they are trying to understand the world
around them (and to face local as well as global
Samar sa
vtedy pozerala z okna von a spomenula, čo najviac milovala na
Washingtone, DC (počas jej štvormesačnej stáže): „Bola to jeseň – iná ako
v Libanone – padanie lístia na chodníky, jeho zvuky, tvary, farby.“
A potom sa zamyslíte nad tým, akú krásnu dušu musí mať tá žena – aké
maličkosti si dokáže vážiť. Nevedela som ako zareagovať, tak som spomenula, že
doma na Slovensku máme všetky štyri ročné obdobia, listnaté aj ihličnaté stromy,
že striedanie ročných období považujeme za samozrejmé. Na viac som sa nezmohla.
Strašne moc
mi chýba. Moje interkontinentálne kamarátky, Samar, Takhmina a blízki ľudia
z Albuquerque (kde som zasa pôsobila štyri mesiace ja). Posielam našej
vysmiatej Samarke do Bejrútu fotky ozajstnej slovenskej zimy a yaxi-taxi funky-punky Bbnky zo
zasneženej Bratislavy, spolu s ponukami práce a štipendií. Bola by
som rada, keby sa čím skôr vybrala za mnou. Aby som jej nemusela veci
a javy opisovať – aby ich mohla sama zažiť a zachytiť. „Samar, som si
stopercentne istá, že naša obľúbená speváčka: Yasmine Hamdan napísala pieseň
‚Samar’ o tebe!”
Samar looked out
the window and told me what was
the most memorable moment from Washington, DC (during
her four-month internship
there): “It was the fall – completely different than in Lebanon – all these leafs
falling on sidewalks and their sounds, shapes, colors.”
Then you will realize how beautiful soul this woman must have – how little events she is willing to appreciate.
I did not know how to react. I just mentioned that in Slovakia there are all four seasons, deciduous and coniferous trees
too – and the changing of the
seasons we take for granted. I couldn’t
find more words.
I miss her so much. I miss
my intercontinental friends, Samar,
Takhmina, as well as my close people from Albuquerque
(where I was placed as an intern last year). Every other
day I send to Beirut (to our smiling 'Summer girl'):
the photos of real Slovak winter and yaxi-taxi funky-punky Bobinkha in snowy Bratislava,
along with some job offers and scholarships opportunities. I’d
like her to come here to visit me as soon as possible. She
should explore all these things and events on her own, in her unique way. "Samar, I am one
hundred percent sure that our
favorite singer Yasmine Hamdan wrote the song
‘Samar’ about you; you personally!"
Text / Written by: Boba Baluchová, Foto / Photo: Palo Markovič
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