BalBo deBra

BalBo deBra

streda 31. januára 2018

Wearing a personalized floral crown

At the end of January the citizens of Auckland city celebrated special holiday – Tamaki fest – Auckland Anniversary Day, or better said Auckland weekend. During the three sunny days I tasted Maori food, watched people sailing on traditional Maori Waka boats, listened to Maori music, talked to local designers and craftsmen. I also bought two colorful maxi skirts and two pairs of earrings with Maori design there. I also attended creative workshop sparkled by my inner goddess.

There were plenty of events going on at the waterfront. I liked the most Maori’s culture festival (Tamaki Herenga Waka festival) in Auckland Viaduct Harbour and Cloud market anniversary in Queens wharf. On Saturday I decided to attend Floral crown Workshop with Michelle Vaughan but I came late to the market. So I just bought two beautiful maxi skirts made by Frida skirts brand instead (what an excuse!). Skirts’ materials (African cotton fabrics; Kanga and Kitenge), patterns and colors reminded me of my field work in Kenya five years ago. How I liked those days working with community health workers, local mothers, their kids and wearing similar skirts. I told myself not to be late on Sunday.

On Sunday I finally joined the Floral crown Workshop. I really wanted to learn how to make a boho floral crown and look like stylish mother with even more colorful mood. Of course I was a bit late again, so in the middle of process there were not many flowers left for me. But I did not give up and I was encouraged to play more with shapes than colors of flowers. With the support of Michelle as a lector it went smoothly.

I remember I wasn’t in the best mood during the workshop. My daughter Tove Tui felt so hot inside Cloud market and did not eat well during the previous hours. Therefore my husband (supportive as always) walked with a pram around the workshop tables and tried to calm down little TiTi. I was in a hurry following the workshop’s dynamics and still checking up on my family at the same time. But after making the crown and taking few photos I got my good mood back. Creativity makes me always content and happy. I’m glad it still works for me in that way.

I am always amazed how kids are spontaneous and creative. It was great to observe all these little girls (sometimes with a help of their fathers) in the process of working with fabric flowers. Adult women as workshop’s participants were overthinking the procedure while young girls were just playing with the materials and learning by doing it. “Universe applauds actions not thoughts!” – I heard many years ago at the personal development training (run by International Synergy group). Interesting lesson for me once again…

I wore my personalized floral crown in pink and red tones during the rest of the day. It fitted with the rest of my outfit (Warehouse black sleeveless shirt suitable for breastfeeding, Melissa sandals, Krasa vesmirna earrings and Frida skirts’ maxi skirt). Many people stopped me afterwards and asked: where they could get the crown, as well as the skirt. That’s the best feedback for the local artists and also for me as a mother with a passion for slow fashion and fashion blogging, isn’t it?

Written by: Boba Markovic Baluchova, Photo: Palo Markovic

pondelok 15. januára 2018

Vyrobiť si personalizovaný lapač snov – DreamCatcher

Minulý rok som v Aucklande objavila komunitu ľudí, ktorá raz za štvrť roka organizuje na Dominion road čosi ako bratislavský Dobrý trh pod názvom Ubuntu market. V úvode nového roka som na rovnaké miesto zašla opäť, a tentoraz sa zapojila aj do jedného z tvorivých workshopov.
Last year I discovered a community of people in Auckland – ready to organize Ubuntu Market on Dominion road (very similar to Good Market in my home city in Slovakia). Recently I went back to the same place and joined one of the creative workshops there. 

Filozofia „Ubuntu“ pochádza z Južnej Afriky a predstavuje koncept ľudskosti, ľudskosti k iným ľuďom okolo nás. Je spájaná s osobnosťou arcibiskupa Desmonda Tutu, ktorý upozorňoval na to, že ľudia nemôžu fungovať v izolácii. Nemali by sme o sebe zmýšľať len ako o jednotlivcoch, ale ako o komunite, keďže sme všetci prepojení a ovplyvňujeme dianie okolo nás. Aucklandskí organizátori a organizátorky Ubuntu marketu sa preto snažia stretávať a prepájať aktivity rovnako zmýšľajúcich ľudí z rôznych prostredí, menšín a subkultúr, pričom je jedno, kto odkiaľa pochádza.
The "Ubuntu” philosophy has its origins in South Africa and represents the concept of humanity; humanity towards other people around us. It is associated with the personality of Archbishop Desmond Tutu who pointed out that people can’t exist in isolation. We should not think of ourselves far too frequently as just individuals, but also as a part of community – we are all interconnected and together we do affect the processes around us. Auckland organizers of Ubuntu market are therefore trying to meet and connect activities of the open-minded people from different environments, minorities and subcultures, no matter who comes from what country.

V rámci ponúkaných workshopov sme sa mohli podučiť tradičnému pleteniu košíkov z vláknitých listov rastliny harakeke, v ktorom vynikali pôvodní obyvatelia Nového Zélandu. Pre tých, čo majú v sebe rytmus a dobrý sluch, bol nachystaný bubenícky workshop. Ja som sa nechala zlákať farebnosťou vystavených lapačov snov, ktoré vyrába dizajnérka Lyn-Marie z DizziePixxieDesigns. Uvedomila som si, že takýto typ workshopu môže byť súčasťou každého dobrého teambuildingu či vianočného žúru (nielen pre deti). Lyn-Marie má za sebou výrobu dekorácií pre hudobné festivaly, tematické oslavy, svadby a výstavy na Novom Zélande aj v Austrálii.
Thanks to the offered workshops the visitors were able to learn the traditional basket weaving (out of Harakeke fibrous leaves) in which the original New Zealanders excelled. People with a sense for the rhythm could attend a drumming workshop. I was attracted by the colorfulness of exhibited dream catchers – produced by Lyn-Marie from DizziePixxieDesigns. Later I realized that this type of workshop could be part of any good teambuilding or Christmas party (not only for children). Lyn-Marie has been making decorations for music festivals, thematic celebrations, weddings and exhibitions across New Zealand and Australia.

Nemusíte byť žiadnou fanynkou ezoteriky, ani zmätenou matkou na materskej “dovolenke”, aby vás idea zhotovovania lapačov snov zaujala. Mňa zaujímalo, ako jeho prítomnosť účinkuje na jeho majiteľa či majiteľku. Keď bude moja dcéra väčšia, a bude vedieť formulovať svoje myšlienky do viet, určite sa jej na to opýtam. V nedeľu totiž odo mňa jeden taký dostala do daru.
You do not have to be a fan of Esoteric or a confused mother on maternity “leave” to be attracted by the idea of dream catchers’ creation. I was interested in the effects of its presence on owner’s dreams. When my daughter is bigger (and is able to formulate her thoughts into the sentences) I will certainly ask her about it. Last Sunday I made a dream catcher for her.

Nezapájam sa často do ručných prác – na šitie či háčkovanie nemám trpezlivosť, štrikovaniu a vyšívaniu sa nevenujem od základnej školy. Oblečenie (i doplnky) si zväčša navrhujem a kombinujem sama, ale vždy mi musí s finálnym zhotovením pomôcť mamina. Toto však bola výzva. Všetky tie nádoby, plné farebných recyklovaných materiálov – pripravených na svoju novú, upcyklovanú podobu – priťahovali moju pozornosť. Pripadala som si ako straka, ktorá vidí akýsi ligotavý predmet pred sebou… A tak som za pol hodinku voľným tempom s pomocou líderky workshopu vyrobila svoj prvý lapač v živote – veľmi osobný, personalizovaný, určený malej Tove Tui.
I do not have patience for embroidery, crochet, knitting or sewing. I most often design my clothing (and accessories) by myself but I always need my mother’s help with the technical part of outfit’s creation. But this time it was different. Real challenge. All those baskets – full of colorful recycled materials (ready for their new up-cycling look) – drew my attention. I must have looked like a magpie spotting a shiny bright object... After thirty minutes I made (with the help of a workshop leader) my first dream catcher – a very personal and personalized – dedicated to my little daughter Tove Tui.

Hoci mám rada šialené farebné kombinácie, tu som sa krotila. Lapač snov bol ladený v ružovo-červeno-fialových odtieňoch, pričom do kruhového rámu boli na bavlnkami vypletenú sieť pridané najprv koráliky a gombíky, neskôr zvislé pruhy nastrihaných látok a pierka. Celý proces bol tvorivý, aj zábavný. Žiaden stres z nepodarku, ale najmä príjemná piplačka a relax. Malá Tove Tui výrobu darčeka prespala v šatke na mojom hrudníku. Keď o štvrť roka navštívim Ubuntu market znova, pustím sa do výroby ďalšieho lapača. Teším sa na to.
Despite my taste for crazy color combinations I chose more decent combination. The dream catcher was created in pink-red-purple hues with some beads, buttons and later vertical stripes of fabric and feathers added to the knotted net. The whole process was creative and entertaining. No stress from making mistakes, but mostly relax and a pleasure from that precious work. My Tove Tui was sleeping on my chest wrapped in a safari wrap. When I visit Ubuntu market in three months again I will definitely join the workshop again and create another dream catcher. I look forward to it.

Text / Written by: Boba Markovič Baluchová, Foto / Photo: Palo Markovič

pondelok 8. januára 2018

Novoročná súťaž o originálne plátené tašky Cotton:On

Je tu pre vás novoročná SÚŤAŽ! Ako ste na tom s novoročnými predsavzatiami? Tak, ako tvorkyne tašiek pre značku Cotton:On? Hrajte teda s blogom #balbodebra o svojské plátenky s viac či menej vtipnými nápismi. Ak ich chcete získať, zapojte sa (do 22. januára).
Podmienky súťaže:
1. Dajte Like stránke Balbo Debra Style fanpage;
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3. Do komentára pod príspevok na Facebooku napíšte svoje novoročné predsavzatie, ktoré ste si do nového roku dali. Držím prsty – v súťaži, aj v napĺňaní predsavzatí...
#sutaz #giveaway #localDesign #toteBag #resolution

utorok 2. januára 2018

Kererū the guardian – nablízku malej Tove Tui

Veľa maorských tradícií poukazuje na blízku až mystickú spätosť ľudí a prírody. Žiadne prekvapenie. Jeden z najviac populárnych novozélandských vtáčikov – Kereru – holubisko s vylešteným zeleno-fialovo-bronzovým perím na hlave a šikovnou bielou vestou na hrudi navštevuje moju dcéru Tove Tui od jej narodenia.
Many Māori traditions show a close, mystical relationship between humans and nature. No surprise. One of the most popular of New Zealand’s native birds – the Kererū – a large pigeon with iridescent green and purple bronze feathers on its head and a smart white vest on its chest has been visiting my daughter Tove Tui since her birth.  

V maorskej mytológii sa legendárny hrdina-výmyselník, Maui, premenil na vtáka Kereru, keď prenasledoval svoju matku Tarangu, ktorá každý deň mizla pod zemou. Maui sa chcel dozvedieť, kam to odchádza, preto jej jedného dňa skryl oblečenie a sledoval jej vnik do tajného otvoru v zemi. Premenil sa na holuba, majúc na sebe jej šaty, a letel za ňou, aby sa znova stretli. Dodnes ľudia veria, že ono dúhové perie na Kereruovi je sukňa mamy Tarangy a biely hrudník je jej živôtikom.
In Māori mythology, Māui, the fabled trickster hero, turned himself into the first Kererū in order to pursue his mother Taranga who disappeared underground at dawn every day. Maui desperately wanted to know where she went. One day he hid her clothes and watched as she entered a secret hole in the ground. Māui then transformed into a pigeon and wearing his mother’s clothes flew after her to be reunited. It is now believed that the iridescent plumage of the Kererū is mother’s skirt and the white chest is the bodice of Taranga.

V deň, keď sa mala narodiť naša dcéra, objavil sa jeden takýto Kererū (po slovensky Plodožer maorský) po prvý raz na strome pod naším oknom. Dovtedy ho v tejto rušnej obytnej zóne v centre Aucklandu nik nevidel. Od 2. októbra ju navštevuje pravidelne na týždennej báze. Hneď ho spozorujeme, lebo trepot jeho krídel má veľmi výrazný zvuk. Veríme, že sa stal akýmsi symbolickým opatrovníkom malej Tove Tui. 
The day my daughter entered this world, one of Kererū birds (Māori berry-eater in Slovak language) appeared on a tree under our window for the very first time. No one ever seen him in this busy residential area in the center of Auckland. Since October 2 he has been visiting her on weekly basis. We are aware of his arrival thanks to the beat of his wings makes very distinctive sound. We believe he has become the guardian of our Tove Tui in a symbolic way.

Kererū môže merať až 51 cm a vážiť asi 650 g, čo robí jeho let ťažším a hlučným v novozélandských lesoch. Výskyt týchto lesných holubov sa v priebehu rokov dramaticky znižoval v dôsledku útokov predátorov (divokých mačiek, potkanov, vačíc) a nelegálneho lovenia. Dnes sú Kereru operence chráneným druhom. Ich ochrana je nevyhnutná pre zachovanie týchto pomaly sa rozmnožujúcich vtáčikov, pretože zohrávajú kľúčovú ekologickú úlohu pri regenerácii pôvodných lesov. Rozptyľujú totiž väčšie semená stromov a kríkov, ktoré iné vtáky preniesť nedokážu. Kereruovia sú vlastne jedinými druhmi vtákov, dostatočne veľkými na to, aby dokázali prehltnúť bobule veľkého ovocia a rozptýliť ich semienka na dlhé vzdialenosti. 
Kererū can measure up to 51 cm and weigh about 650 g, making flight difficulty and noisy in New Zealand forests. Numbers have dramatically declined over the years because of the effects of predation (caused by possums, feral cats, rats) and continued illegal hunting. Now the Kererū is a protected species. Conservation is essential to help regenerate these slow-breeding birds as they play a key ecological role in the regeneration of native forests by dispersing seeds of trees and shrubs too large to be dispersed by other birds. Two types of Kererū are the only bird species big enough to swallow large fruit and disperse the seed over long distances.

Text / Written by: Boba Markovič Baluchová, Foto / Photo: Palo Markovič, Visit Zealandia