The first 1000 days of a child is the most important for his or her development. Therefore Plunket NZ works together with families and communities
to ensure the best start for every single child. So why do I dress my baby-girl and myself in blue this week? To support Plunket New Zealand and their 'Blue Day for Plunket' campaign!
Plunket NZ has been the largest provider of services supporting the health and well-being of children under five for 111 years already. It has launched awareness raising (and also fundraising) event, called 'Blue Day for Plunket'! Our Westmere Grey Lynn Plunket
Volunteer Committee are holding a bake sale fundraiser event to support
the campaign too. All the volunteers and other inspiring mothers have
prepared several types of baked goodies (for golden coin donation) and a
prize for the best dressed
person in blue (Plunket color)! What an idea! We have already tried several denim-blue combinations to be properly dressed and show our support to this charity purpose.
All of you are invited to visit us and
support this great 'Blue Day for Plunket' campaign on Friday (23 March 2018 from 9:30 to 11:30
at Grey Lynn Community center in Auckland). More info about the event
here: Blue day for Plunket – Bake sale fundraiser.
Written by: Boba Markovic Baluchova, Photo: Palo Markovic
Bože, držať a vychovávať deti tak, ako chcete, je veľmi drahé! Chcel by som im dať všetko, ale moderný svet sa skutočne bojí cien. Rozhodol som sa naučiť obchodovanie, našiel som dobrú firmu, uvidíme, čo sa stane :)