BalBo deBra

BalBo deBra

štvrtok 31. marca 2016

Following 7 steps towards Fair Fashion

Have you ever considered to shop and dress more ethically? No? It's not that tough job! Just follow these few steps to support Fair Fashion...

- Start by asking #whomademyclothes and tracking down the story behind the products you want to buy.
- Critically think, debate, read and watch documentaries about organic farming and fair-trade initiatives.
- You should also check the quality and sustainability of the items you want to wear (and want them to last).
- You can always buy some stylish clothes from vintage / second-hand shop on your street.
- Try to support local brand or hand-made designer. Local design is original and artisanal work is unique!
- Re-create / up-cycle your clothes from last season. Surprise yourself by creative mood.
- Do not forget to support organizations and initiatives (Ethical fashion initiative, Clean clothes campaign, Fashion revolution etc.) in their work to improve human rights and working conditions of garments manufacture workers in developing countries.
#balbodebra has taken all these actions already! Check the examples on her Balbo deBra style Fanpage and get inspired, :)
balbodebra - buying colorful fabrics from local producer in Zanzibar (summer 2013).

Written by: Boba Markovic Baluchova, Photo: Palo Markovic
#fairFashion #sustainableFashion #ethicalfashion #fashRev

nedeľa 27. marca 2016

A bit of my activism in Auckland

Even-though I'm European woman (currently living in Auckland) I've decided to support #iamNZ campaign of New Zealand's organization: Africa on my sleeve to encourage and acknowledge everyone's unique potential and identity. 

 Written by: Boba Markovic Baluchova, Photo: Palo Markovic 

štvrtok 24. marca 2016

I walked the labyrinth

The labyrinth is an archetype, a divine imprint, found in all religious traditions in various forms around the world. By walking a labyrinth, we are rediscovering a long-forgotten mystical tradition. The labyrinth's path winds throughout and becomes a mirror for where we are in our lives.
At the end of March (during Holy week) I walked the labyrinth in St Matthew's-in-the-city church in Auckland. It was first installed in 2009 - based on a medieval design and it's really beautiful.

Written by: Boba Markovic Baluchova, Photo: Palo Markovic