December môžete stráviť azda len štyrmi spôsobmi: 1. poctivou prácou, resp. dobrovoľníčením pre serióznu organizáciu s cieľom pomôcť núdznym ľuďom (momentálne mi samozrejme napadá aktivita nášho združenia OZ P(l)uto – mesačný experiment: Prvý charitatívny Blší trh v Bratislave); 2. odcestovaním do exotickej krajiny (za horúcim morom či uzdravujúcim vzduchom: Brazília, Uruguay či Nový Zéland); 3. naháňaním sa za vianočnými darčekmi po preplnených nákupných centrách; alebo: 4. motaním sa po bratislavských vianočných večierkoch. Niekedy však možno niektoré z uvedených aktivít spojiť úspešne dohromady. A to sa teda stalo i mne.
You can spend the end of the year in four possible ways: 1. to do honest work, respectively to volunteer for serious organization and helping people in need (I can mention my current activity of our civic association Pluto NGO and its December’s experiment: First Charity Flea Market in Bratislava); 2. to travel to exotic countries (because of hot sea water or healing air: Brazil, Uruguay or New Zealand); 3. to run after Christmas gifts through completely crowded shopping malls, or: 4. to attend one Christmas party after another. Sometimes, however, these activities could be successfully interconnected together. And it did happen to me.
V jeden nedávny piatkový večer sme šli na vianočný večierok číslo 1 - do Trnavy, kde sídli jedno z najlepších grafických študií: Pergamen. Áno, knihu Júliusa Satinského: „Listy Oľge“ v pergameňáckom geniálnom prevedení si, dúfajme, väčšina z vás nájde tento rok pod stromčekom. Je to „must have“ kniha roka! Po polnoci sme sa presunuli na vianočný večierok číslo 2 do Starého mesta, kde sídli firma nášho kamaráta Wildera: Nethemba. Vyfasovali sme elitné hackerské trička, skvelé vegetariánske jedlo, vypočuli si guilty pleasure muziku (ako z čias pyžamových parties nášho net-rádia TLIS).
Prekvapilo ma, že viac ako samotným ľuďom, som sa tešila veľkorozmerným plátnam mladučkého punkového speváka (a zároveň talentovaného maliara) Jána Hrčku, ktoré viseli na stenách. Väčšinu času som vlastne strávila ich obdivovaním a hádaním – aké záhadné miesta a temné mestá znázorňujú. Petržalka, Vrakuňa, alebo New York či Detroit? Zaľúbili sa mi oné výjavy, predstavy a rozohrané príbehy za desiatkami odtieňov šedej (nie z danej knihy – predvídateľného predvianočného bestselleru). Keď ku mne pristúpil môj snúbenec s poznámkou o jeho obľúbenej knihe: Neviditeľné mestá od Italo Calvinoa – bolo rozhodnuté. Chalaniska som si vyhľadala na sociálnej sieti, a odoslala mail s ponukou na kúpu.
one recent Friday night we went to a Christmas party No. 1 – to Trnava city,
where the best graphic design studio is located:
Pergamen. Yes, the book, called "Letters to Olga (by Julius Satinsky)" – magnificently designed by Pergamen, hopefully most of you will find under the Christams tree
this year. It is a “must have” book of the year! After midnight we moved to a Christmas party No. 2 – to the Old City of Bratislava, where our friend Wilder’s company: Nethemba takes place. We
received elite hackers’ t-shirts, nice vegetarian food and also listened to “guilty pleasure” music (which reminded us as pyjama parties – organized by our internet student radio TLIS in past).
was surprised that I enjoyed art on the walls more more than the company of people. I was amazed by oversized canvas – made by young punk singer (and talented painter at the same time): Jan Hrcka. Most of the time I actually spent admiring them and guessing – what mysterious places and dark cities show us. Petrzalka, Vrakuna part of Bratislava or something bigger: New York, Detroit? I fell in love with all these scenes, ideas, that came immediately in my mind after observation. Playful stories of many
shades of gray appeared (of course not from that book – predictable pre-Christmas
bestseller). When my fiance approached me mentioning his favorite book: “Invisible Cities” by Italo Calvino – it was decided. I had to contact the author of that art through the social network – I sent him an e-mail with the offer to purchase.
O pár hodín neskôr už bola uzavretá dohoda. O pár dní na to sme už plátno, zvané "Rusovce", niesli, viezli a zas niesli niekoľkými štvrťami Bratislavy (Rusovce v tomto prípade vynímajúc). Som hrdá na tento svoj vianočný darček pre môjho Palinka. Je bezhlavo krásny, veliký a dych-berúci (ako väčšina mojich rozhodnutí v posledných rokoch – vrátane toho o našej svadbe o niekoľko mesiacov). V hmlou zahalenej Bratislave som nič neponechala na náhodu a obliekla sa preventívne do reflexných farieb. Plátno som pri prenose z Hviezdoslavovho námestia držala honosne, ale miestami i dosť smiešne – asi tak ako páni herci pred takmer dvadsiatimi rokmi v mojom milovanom urbánnom filme „Na krásnom modrom Dunaji“.
Nikdy sa ma však nepýtajte, ako som to plátno (o veľkosti: 2,30 x 1,90 m) dostala do nášho dlhodielskeho bytu
na 6. poschodie. A nikdy ma nepozývajte pred Vianocami na výpredaj plátien (napríklad do Soda gallery), najmä ak na stenách visia ďalšie plátna Jána Hrčku. Je to obzvlášť nebezpečné :). Pardon za všetok ten neplánovaný „product placement“ v jednom jedinom príspevku – ale pred Viankami sa to vraj môže...
A few hours later an agreement was concluded. A
few days later we carried the canvas, called “Rusovce” through several districts of Bratislava (Rusovce part excluding in this case). I am proud on that Christmas gift for my fiance Paul. It
is mindlessly beautiful, huge and breath-taking (like most of my
decisions in recent years – including our next spring wedding settlement). In foggy Bratislava I put on me reflective bright colors as a kind of prevention against invisibility. During the painting’s transportation I behave very calm, but also
quite funny – because at certain point I was thinking about the actors from twenty years old urban movie, called “On the beautiful blue Danube” (how they carried one particular painting through Hviezdoslav square). Never ask me how I got that canvas (size: 2.30 x 1.90 m) to our apartment on the 6th floor in Dlhe diely quarter. And never invite me before Christmas on “Slovak paintings’ Sale” events (for example to
Soda gallery) – especially if one of the paintings’ selling artist is already mentioned Jan Hrcka. This can be very dangerous for me and my wallet :). Sorry for all the unplanned “product placement” in this blog-contribution – but I’ve heard that before Christmas everything is allowed...
Text/Written by: Boba Baluchová (@bobinkha), Foto/Photo: Palo Markovič (@palomarkovic)
blog about sustainable living, traveling and clothing, as well as fair fashion from Bratislava (EU) and Auckland (NZ)
BalBo deBra

utorok 24. decembra 2013
nedeľa 22. decembra 2013
In love with Kino Lumière
Keby ste sa ma opýtali, kto je môj najobľúbenejší módny návrhár či návrhárka, režisér či režisérka, odpoveď by bola nejednoznačná a zdĺhavá (plná vysvetľovania, zdôvodňovania, odbočiek a pochybností). Pri otázke najobľúbenejší filmový klub je to však rýchle, stručné, jasné: Kino Lumière. Keď som na Slovensku a v Bratislave sa nič nedeje, s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou ma nájdete práve tam, na Špitálskej ulici.
Pamätám si, ako som si presne pred rokom vykračovala z Winter Urban Marketu 2012 a nie na-prázdno! Očarila ma trošku nepraktická a riadne krikľavá taška od LUCIELA TASCHEN - bola presne podľa môjho vkusu, aktuálnych farebných nálad - jednoducho neodolateľná. Po úspešnom nákupe nasledovala tradičná póza v spomínanom filmovom klube: Kino Lumière a šup-šup na apokalyptický smutňák "Melanchólia" od Larsa von Triera. Bola som rada, že som sa v ten deň nebavkala s make-upom - spolu s Kirsten Dunst a Charlotte Gainsbourg som totiž prerevala celý film. Bol tak veľmi krásny a bolestivý... Katarzia sa nakoniec konala, ale stálo ma to kopec síl.
If you ask me who is my favorite fashion designer or movie director, the answer would be ambiguous and lengthy (full of side explanations, reasonings, doubts). When you ask me what is the best film club in town, the answer will be fast, concise, clear: Cinema Lumière. When I am in Slovakia and there is nothing going on in Bratislava, most likely you will find me right there - at Spitalska Street.
One year ago I went from Winter Urban Market 2012 and I bought something interesting! I was impressed by a bit impractical and a bit too flashy bag from Luciela Taschen - it was exactly according my taste, my actual color moods - simply I could not resist. After successful purchase I made a traditional pose in that film club (Cinema Lumière) and I wanted to see very sad and apocalyptic movie "Melancholia", directed by Lars von Trier. I was glad I did not put on me make-up - because I was crying all movie long together with Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg. It was so beautiful and painful movie, indeed... The catharsis appeared later on, but it took time.
O rok neskôr takmer tá istá póza v tom istom priestore. Akurát sa zmenil navštívený event aj film. Tento víkend sme ukončili náš mesačný experiment, zvaný Prvý charitatívny BLŠÍ TRH v Bratislave (pre naše občianske združenie OZ Pluto). Takže konečne je čas aj na trochu kultúry - na návštevu kina (a nie chaotického predvianočného lovu a zberačstva v bratislavských konzumných mekkách)!
Na Vianočný Dobrý trh som sa vybrala v kombinácii čiernej a červenej. Ani som si neuvedomila, že som skombinovala dve známe mená dvoch šikovných žien. Na čelenku od Renáty Ormandíkovej (Krása vesmírna) sa ma v Starej tržnici pýtalo snáď desať ľudí - popravde, chvíľu som váhala: či a ako odhaliť zdroj. Našťastie každý je výtvor je nezameniteľný originál. O rozpoznateľnom rukopise možno hovoriť aj u šiat od Dany Kleinert (Dana Kleinert), tie som skrátka do Vianoc musela mať! A podarilo sa mi to až pred týždňom (náhodou, počas návštevy Kontaktu a Vianočného Fashion showroomu). A že sa toho vraj v Bratislave moc nedeje... Ale čoby!
A aký bol film z decembrovej ponuky kina Lumière? Taký, aký môžete očakávať od americkej produkcie, ktorá sa rozhodne urobiť remake dokonalého filmu o pomste. Trochu zbytočný. Ale i tak je fajn osviežiť si pamäť filmom "Oldboy" od Spike Leeho, aby sme nepodľahli manipulácii (predovšetkým médiami), ktorá sa nám z obrazoviek dennodenne naskytá. Kedykoľvek inokedy - nielen pred Vianocami.
One year later (it means: today) - almost the same pose in the same space. Just recent event and movie was changed. This weekend we completed our monthly experiment, called First charity flea market in Bratislava (organized by our civic association Pluto NGO). So finally it was time for a bit of culture - particular movie (and not chaotic pre-Christmas hunting in Bratislava's shopping malls)!
For the event "Christmas Good market" I have chosen the combination of black and red. I combined two well known names of two smart women. There were so many questions that day - focused on the headband by Renata Ormandikova (from Space Beauty brand) and to be honest - I hesitated for a moment: whether and how to reveal the source of that space beauty. Fortunately, each creation of Renata Ormandikova is unmistakable original. Recognizable handwriting is also visible on dresses - designed by Dana Kleinert (from Dana Kleinert brand). I had to have one that particular dots' dress before Christmas! And I was able to manage it to get it up a week ago (by chance during short visit to Contact urban space and the event: Christmas Fashion showroom there). Bratislava is packed with many interesting events, you just have to know - where to find it!
And what was the movie from December offer of cinema Lumière about? What can you expect from American production, which decides to do a remake of the perfect film about revenge? Somewhat superfluous. But it is nice to refresh your memories of film "Oldboy", directed by Spike Lee - to be aware of the manipulation (especially by media), that is on the screen on everyday basis. Not only before Christmas.
Text/Written by: Boba Baluchova (@bobinkha), Foto/Photo: Palo Markovič (@palomarkovic)
Pamätám si, ako som si presne pred rokom vykračovala z Winter Urban Marketu 2012 a nie na-prázdno! Očarila ma trošku nepraktická a riadne krikľavá taška od LUCIELA TASCHEN - bola presne podľa môjho vkusu, aktuálnych farebných nálad - jednoducho neodolateľná. Po úspešnom nákupe nasledovala tradičná póza v spomínanom filmovom klube: Kino Lumière a šup-šup na apokalyptický smutňák "Melanchólia" od Larsa von Triera. Bola som rada, že som sa v ten deň nebavkala s make-upom - spolu s Kirsten Dunst a Charlotte Gainsbourg som totiž prerevala celý film. Bol tak veľmi krásny a bolestivý... Katarzia sa nakoniec konala, ale stálo ma to kopec síl.
If you ask me who is my favorite fashion designer or movie director, the answer would be ambiguous and lengthy (full of side explanations, reasonings, doubts). When you ask me what is the best film club in town, the answer will be fast, concise, clear: Cinema Lumière. When I am in Slovakia and there is nothing going on in Bratislava, most likely you will find me right there - at Spitalska Street.
One year ago I went from Winter Urban Market 2012 and I bought something interesting! I was impressed by a bit impractical and a bit too flashy bag from Luciela Taschen - it was exactly according my taste, my actual color moods - simply I could not resist. After successful purchase I made a traditional pose in that film club (Cinema Lumière) and I wanted to see very sad and apocalyptic movie "Melancholia", directed by Lars von Trier. I was glad I did not put on me make-up - because I was crying all movie long together with Kirsten Dunst and Charlotte Gainsbourg. It was so beautiful and painful movie, indeed... The catharsis appeared later on, but it took time.
O rok neskôr takmer tá istá póza v tom istom priestore. Akurát sa zmenil navštívený event aj film. Tento víkend sme ukončili náš mesačný experiment, zvaný Prvý charitatívny BLŠÍ TRH v Bratislave (pre naše občianske združenie OZ Pluto). Takže konečne je čas aj na trochu kultúry - na návštevu kina (a nie chaotického predvianočného lovu a zberačstva v bratislavských konzumných mekkách)!
Na Vianočný Dobrý trh som sa vybrala v kombinácii čiernej a červenej. Ani som si neuvedomila, že som skombinovala dve známe mená dvoch šikovných žien. Na čelenku od Renáty Ormandíkovej (Krása vesmírna) sa ma v Starej tržnici pýtalo snáď desať ľudí - popravde, chvíľu som váhala: či a ako odhaliť zdroj. Našťastie každý je výtvor je nezameniteľný originál. O rozpoznateľnom rukopise možno hovoriť aj u šiat od Dany Kleinert (Dana Kleinert), tie som skrátka do Vianoc musela mať! A podarilo sa mi to až pred týždňom (náhodou, počas návštevy Kontaktu a Vianočného Fashion showroomu). A že sa toho vraj v Bratislave moc nedeje... Ale čoby!
A aký bol film z decembrovej ponuky kina Lumière? Taký, aký môžete očakávať od americkej produkcie, ktorá sa rozhodne urobiť remake dokonalého filmu o pomste. Trochu zbytočný. Ale i tak je fajn osviežiť si pamäť filmom "Oldboy" od Spike Leeho, aby sme nepodľahli manipulácii (predovšetkým médiami), ktorá sa nám z obrazoviek dennodenne naskytá. Kedykoľvek inokedy - nielen pred Vianocami.
One year later (it means: today) - almost the same pose in the same space. Just recent event and movie was changed. This weekend we completed our monthly experiment, called First charity flea market in Bratislava (organized by our civic association Pluto NGO). So finally it was time for a bit of culture - particular movie (and not chaotic pre-Christmas hunting in Bratislava's shopping malls)!
For the event "Christmas Good market" I have chosen the combination of black and red. I combined two well known names of two smart women. There were so many questions that day - focused on the headband by Renata Ormandikova (from Space Beauty brand) and to be honest - I hesitated for a moment: whether and how to reveal the source of that space beauty. Fortunately, each creation of Renata Ormandikova is unmistakable original. Recognizable handwriting is also visible on dresses - designed by Dana Kleinert (from Dana Kleinert brand). I had to have one that particular dots' dress before Christmas! And I was able to manage it to get it up a week ago (by chance during short visit to Contact urban space and the event: Christmas Fashion showroom there). Bratislava is packed with many interesting events, you just have to know - where to find it!
And what was the movie from December offer of cinema Lumière about? What can you expect from American production, which decides to do a remake of the perfect film about revenge? Somewhat superfluous. But it is nice to refresh your memories of film "Oldboy", directed by Spike Lee - to be aware of the manipulation (especially by media), that is on the screen on everyday basis. Not only before Christmas.
Text/Written by: Boba Baluchova (@bobinkha), Foto/Photo: Palo Markovič (@palomarkovic)
sobota 14. decembra 2013
God's issue - what an Inspire(ation
Nové "Božíí číslo" magazínu Inspire je na svete (a moje tri novinárske prejavy: Balbo street pocitovka; repka zo Zanzibaru a rozhovor s Adri Totikovou o mladom Slovenskom divadle v ňom)! Dnes ho v KC Dunaj vypustíme do sveta. Už aj bratiskovské zvery, ktoré denne stretávam po ceste do nášho Plutošopu a charitatívneho blšieho trhu OZ P(l)uto na Panskej 13 sa chystajú na žúr. Budete tam tiež?
Brand new "God's issue" of Inspire magazine is ready for worldwide attention (and my three articles: Balbo street essay; Zanzibar reportage and the interview with Adri Totikova about fresh Slovak theatre arts in it)! Today there will be release party in KC Dunaj club. All animals from Bratislava's walls (that I meet along the way to our vintage shop on social enterprise basis: Plutoshop and charity flea market of Pl(u)to NGO at Panska street no. 13) are looking forward to go to that party tonight. Will you be there, too?
Brand new "God's issue" of Inspire magazine is ready for worldwide attention (and my three articles: Balbo street essay; Zanzibar reportage and the interview with Adri Totikova about fresh Slovak theatre arts in it)! Today there will be release party in KC Dunaj club. All animals from Bratislava's walls (that I meet along the way to our vintage shop on social enterprise basis: Plutoshop and charity flea market of Pl(u)to NGO at Panska street no. 13) are looking forward to go to that party tonight. Will you be there, too?
utorok 10. decembra 2013
Awareness-raising through orange color
väčšine krajín Afriky (a teda aj v Keni, kde som tento rok pracovala ako terénna rozvojová pracovníčka)
nemožno hovoriť o rodovej rovnosti, ukážkovej rovnoprávnosti mužov a žien.
Svetové mimovládne organizácie (naozaj je ich v Keni dosť) volajú neustále po odstraňovaní
násilia, páchaného na ženách, a po posilňovaní postavenia žien v spoločnosti
– podporujú ženy v mikropodnikaní (s textíliami, hand-made produktami
či zeleninou), vo farmárčení či včelárstve. No v týchto patriarchálnych
systémoch, naviac ovplyvňovaných kmeňovou či náboženskou (v pobrežnej oblasti najmä
moslimskou) hierarchiou to nie je veru jednoduché.
a ženy získavajú podstatne menej vzdelania ako chlapci, muži. Vedeli ste, že bez
vzdelania v súčasnosti v rámci Kene ostáva 19 % žien a 13 % mužov? Že chudobných žien je dvakrát
viac ako chudobných mužov? Aj na to som sa snažila upozorniť ľudí v Keni (ale
i na Slovensku cez články a blogy na-diaľku) počas svojej práce v regióne
je Medzinárodný deň ľudských práv – posledný deň oficiálneho nosenia oranžovej
farby na znak boja proti násiliu, páchanému na ženách. Dneškom sa ale nič nekončí
(hoci sa uzatvára 16-dňová kampaň aktivizmu UN Women). Oranžovou farbou môžete
na neprávosti vo svojom okolí upozorňovať každý deň. No najmä: svojím konaním a prácou
s lokálnymi komunitami môžete svet meniť k lepšiemu. Aspoň sa o to
most African countries (also in Kenya, where I worked this year as development field worker)
we cannot talk about gender equality. Worldwide
NGOs (there are so many in Kenya) are constantly calling upon ending violence against women, and empowering women in society. There is a possibility - how to support
women in small enterprises (with textiles, retail or hand-made products), in farming or beekeeping. But
in these patriarchal systems, moreover influenced by tribal and
religious rules (in the coastal region especially by Muslim hierarchy), it is
not simple at all.
Girls and women receive significantly less education than boys and men. Did you know that without education in Kenya there is currently: 19 % of women and 13 % of men? Did you know that poor women are twice more than the poor men there? I tried to warn people in Kenya and raise awareness there (as well as in Slovakia through articles and blogs on distance) about these topics while working in the Kwale region.
Today is International Human Rights Day - the last day of the official wearing orange - a visible sign of combating and ending violence against women and girls. But it doesn't mean the end (although the official campaign of 16-days' activism of UN Women finished). By wearing orange color you can raise awareness in your neighborhood on daily basis. But especially by your acting and thanks to your work with local communities you can make visible change towards better world. At least try it!
Girls and women receive significantly less education than boys and men. Did you know that without education in Kenya there is currently: 19 % of women and 13 % of men? Did you know that poor women are twice more than the poor men there? I tried to warn people in Kenya and raise awareness there (as well as in Slovakia through articles and blogs on distance) about these topics while working in the Kwale region.
Today is International Human Rights Day - the last day of the official wearing orange - a visible sign of combating and ending violence against women and girls. But it doesn't mean the end (although the official campaign of 16-days' activism of UN Women finished). By wearing orange color you can raise awareness in your neighborhood on daily basis. But especially by your acting and thanks to your work with local communities you can make visible change towards better world. At least try it!
Text / Written by: Boba Baluchova (@bobinkha), Foto / Photo: Palo Markovic (@palomarkovic)
#16days #orangeurworld #iwearorange
#16days #orangeurworld #iwearorange
utorok 3. decembra 2013
Pluto-mood @ Slovak radio
Začiatkom decembra sme so sestrou Kristínkou navštívili obrátenú pyramídu (Slovenský rozhlas) s konkrétnym cieľom - priblížiť poslucháčom a poslucháčkam nočnej relácie Večerné reflexie našu prácu. Takmer hodinu a pol sme rozprávali o aktivitách nášho občianskeho združenia OZ P(L)UTO a inovatívnej ceste sociálnej inklúzie - charite prostredníctvom módy.
Po oficiálnom rozhovore nasledovala polnočná foto-sešn - spolu s moderátorom relácie a naším skvelým kamarátom (zároveň krstným otcom nášho obchodíku na báze sociálneho podniku: Plutošopu na Panskej 13 v Bratislave): Števkom Chrappom, alias Pištom Vandalom. Naláda bola bujará a farba stále oranžová...
In early December, we (me and my sister Kristinka) visited the "inverted pyramid" = the building of Slovak Radio with the specific aim - to present the listeners of night broadcasting session, called Evening reflection a bit of our work. Almost one and half hour we talked about the activities of our civic association P(L)UTO NGO and innovative ways of social inclusion - charity through fashion.
After the official interview there was time for the midnight photo-session - together with the journalist and our great friend (also the godfather of our little shop, based on social enterprise basis: Plutoshop in Panska street no. 13, Bratislava): Števko Chrappa, aka Pista Vandal. The mood was crazy and the color was still orange...
After the official interview there was time for the midnight photo-session - together with the journalist and our great friend (also the godfather of our little shop, based on social enterprise basis: Plutoshop in Panska street no. 13, Bratislava): Števko Chrappa, aka Pista Vandal. The mood was crazy and the color was still orange...
Written by: Boba Baluchova, Photo: Palo Markovic
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